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Writer's pictureDavid Reyes

What's Your Response?

Updated: Apr 16, 2023

From Dr. Gladys Wrease Teaching on 04/16/23

When we look at the story of the Israelites in Deuteronomy, we see God's people entering a new land, facing new challenges, and encountering various nations with different beliefs and practices. As followers of God, their response to these challenges was crucial. Today, we face our own set of challenges, temptations, and trials. What should our response be? This blog will explore the importance of surrender, obedience, service, and worship in the life of a believer.

I. Is Your Response Surrender?

In Romans 12:1-2, we are encouraged to offer our everyday lives as a living sacrifice to God. This means embracing what God does for us and allowing Him to change us from the inside out. By fixing our attention on God and surrendering our lives to His will, we can resist the pull of our culture and mature in our faith.

II. Is Your Response Obedience?

As believers, we are called to love and obey God. According to 1 John 5:3, loving God means obeying His commandments. Jesus himself taught us that the greatest commandments are to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and to love our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 22:37-40). We are also given a new commandment to love one another as Jesus loved us (John 13:34).

III. Is Your Response Service?

Following Jesus' example of humble service (John 13:14-15), we are called to serve one another. Joshua 24:15 reminds us that we should choose to serve the Lord and, by extension, serve others. In our daily lives, we can show our love for God and others by serving them in practical ways.

IV. Is Your Response Worship?

Psalm 136:26 and Psalm 100 encourage us to praise and worship God for His goodness, love, and faithfulness. Worship is a natural response to who God is and all that He has done for us. By expressing our gratitude and adoration, we can deepen our relationship with God and align our hearts with His.


As followers of Christ, our response to the challenges and temptations of life should be one of surrender, obedience, service, and worship. By embracing these practices, we can grow in our faith and become more like Jesus. Let us commit to living our lives in a way that honors God and brings glory to His name.

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